Hey there friends!
Here we are about 3 1/2 weeks from our tour starting and we are getting things in order to leave. We still have many open dates left and seems like it was easier this time last year to book. Last year we booked our first tour outside the state of Florida and our trip lasted roughly 2 months. We went as far north as Minnesota and Wisconsin and as far west as Colorado. We met several great people people on the road and many we still keep in touch with.
This year, however, seems to be a bit harder booking 25 solid dates out of 31 than is was booking almost 40 between two months. I've heard the same from a few of our traveling friends as well. At any rate we are still moving forward and will hopefully pick up a couple dates while on the road. We have managed to make enough dough to make some new merch for tour which we are really excited about and hope you guys like what we have coming.
As we get closer to July 1st we will be posting more of what we are doing in order to prepare for tour as well as some tip and tricks to help other DIY artists along in their endeavors and for our fans and followers to keep tabs on us through what we believe is one of the most exciting and frustrating parts if being a serious musician. We hope you check in on us from time to time and give us your thoughts on ours. We have a lot to do with the next few weeks and figured I write up a little something to give you all an update. Until next time friends!